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73. Advances in plasma-driven solution electrochemistry

 Bruggeman, P., Frontiera, R. R., Kortshagen, U., Kushner, M., Linic, S., Schatz, G. C., Andaraarachchi, H., Chaudhuri, S., Chen, H. T., Clay, C., Dias, T., Doyne, S., Jones, L., Meyer, M., Mueller, C., Nam, J. H., Raisanen, A., Rich, C. C., Srivastava, T., Xu, C., Xu, D., Zhang, Y., Journal of Chemical Physics, 2025 

72. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: A half century perspective

 Yi, J., You, E.-M., Hu, R., Wu, D.-Y., Liu, G.K., Yang, Z.-L., Zhang, H., Gu, Y., Wang, Y.-H., Wang, X., Ma, H., Yang, Y., Liu, J.-Y., Fan, F. R., Zhan, C., Tian, J.-H., Qiao, Y., Wang, H., Luo, S.-H., Meng, Z.-D., Mao, B.-W., Li, J.-F., Ren, B., Aizpurua, J., Apkaraian, V. A., Bartlett, P. N., Baumberg, J., Bell, S. E. J., Brolo, A. G., Brus, L. E., Choo, J., Cui, L., Deckert, V., Domke, K. F., Dong, Z.-C., Duan, S., Faulds, K., Frontiera, R. R., Halas, N. J., Haynes, C. L., Itoh, T., Kneipp, J., Kneipp, K., Le Ru, E. C., Li, Z.-P., Ling, X. Y., Lipkowski, J., Liz-Marzán, L. M., Nam, J.-M., Nie, S., Nordlander, P., Ozaki, Y., Panneerselvam, R., Popp, J., Russell, A. E., Schlücker, S., Tian, Y., Tong, L., Xu, H., Xu, Y., Yang, L., Yao, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhao, B., Zenobi, R., Schatz., G. C., Graham, D., Tian, Z.-Q., Chemical Society Reviews, 2024  

71. Impact of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Catalysis

Stefancu, A., Aizpurua, J., Alessandri, I., Bald, I., Baumberg, J., Besteiro, L., Christopher, P., Correa-Duarte, M., de Nijs, B., Demetriadou, A., Frontiera, R. R., Fukushima, T., Halas, N., Jain, P., Kim, Z. H., Kurouski, D., Lange, H., Li, J.-F., Liz-Marzán, L., Lucas, I. T., Meixner, A., Murakoshi, K., Nordlander, P., Peveler, W., Quesada-Cabrera, R., Ringe, E., Schatz, G., Schlücker, S., Schultz, Z., Tan, E. X., Tian, Z-Q., Wang, L., Weckhuysen, B., Xie, W., Ling, X. Y., Zhang, J., Zhao, Z., Zhou, R.-Y., Cortés, E., ACS Nano, 2024  

70. Resonance Raman Intensity Analysis of Photoactive Metal-Organic Frameworks

Brennan, J., Choi, T. H., Soilis, Z., Rosi, N., Johnson, J. K., Frontiera, R. R., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2024 

69. Killer Phonon Caught: Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy Identifies Phonon-Induced Control of Photochemistry in Rubrene Derivatives

Clapham, M. L.+, Das, A.+, Douglas, C., Frontiera, R. R., Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024  

68. Evidence for Superoxide-Initiated Oxidation of Aniline in Water by Pulsed, Atmospheric Pressure Plasma

Clay, D., Mueller, C. M., Rich, C. C., Schatz, G. C., Bruggeman, P. J., Frontiera, R. R., The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2024 

67. Wavelength Dependence of Plasmon-Induced Vibrational Energy Transfer in Fluorophore−Plasmonic Systems

Christenson, G. N., Yu, Z., Frontiera, R. R., The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024

66. Probing Time-Resolved Plasma-Driven Solution Electrochemistry in a Falling Liquid Film Plasma Reactor: Identification of HO2- as a Plasma-Derived Reducing Agent

 Srivastava, T., Chaudhura, S., Rich, C. C., Schatz., Frontiera, R. R., Bruggeman, P. , The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2024 

65. Cinchona Alkaloid Polymers Demonstrate Highly Efficient Gene Delivery Dependent on Stereochemistry, Methoxy Substitution, and Length

Kreofsky, N. W, Roy, P., Brown, M. E., Perez, U., Leighton, R. E., Frontiera, R. R., Reineke, T. M., Biomacromolecules, 2024 

64. Structural Disorder at the Edges of Rubrene Crystals Enhances Singlet Fission

Volek, T. S., Armstrong, Z. T., Sowa, J. K., Wilson, K. S., Kunz, M. B., Bera, K., Koble, M., Frontiera, R. R., Rossky, P. J., Zanni, M. T., Roberts, S. T., The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2023   

63. Quantifying the ultrafast and steady-state molecular reduction potential of a plasmonic photocatalyst

Warkentin, C. L., Frontiera, R. R., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023 

62. Mastering Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy: A Practical Guide

Lynch, P. G., Das, S., Alam, S., Rich, C. C., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Au, 2023 

61. Quantifying Bacteriorhodopsin Activity as a Function of its Local Environment with a Raman-Based Assay

Leighton, R. E., Frontiera, R. R., Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2023 

60. Ligand Chromophore Modification Approach for Predictive Incremental Tuning of Metal−Organic Framework Color

Soilis, Z. M., Choi, T. H., Brennan, J., Frontiera, R. R., Johnson, J. K., Rosi, N. L.,  Chemistry of Materials, 2023 

59. Mixed Rubrene Cocrystals Offer Insights into Intermolecular Interactions Influencing Crystal Packing

Clapham, M., Frontiera, R. R., Douglas, C.  Crystal Growth and Design, 2023

58. Ostensible Steady-State Molecular Cooling with Plasmonic Nanoparticles

Yu, Z., Frontiera. R. R. ACS Nano, 2023 

57. Stimulated Raman versus Inverse Raman: Investigating Depletion Mechanisms for Super-Resolution Raman Microscopy

Leighton, R. E., Alperstein, A. M., Punihaole, D., Silva, W. R., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2022 

56. Virtual Special Issue on Quantum Coherent Phenomena in Energy Harvesting and Storage

Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B and C, 2022 

55. Synergies between Polyacrylamide Polymerization and Nanoparticle Generation using an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet

Gangal, U., Exarhos, S., Contreras, T., Rich, C. C., Dolan, K., Yang, V., Frontiera, R. R., Bruggeman, P. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2022 

54. Label-free super-resolution imaging techniques

Leighton, R., Alperstein, A., Frontiera, R. R. Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, 2022 

53. Intermolecular forces dictate vibrational energy transfer in plasmonic-molecule systems

Yu, Z., Frontiera, R. R.  ACS Nano, 2022 

52. Beyond single crystals: Imaging rubrene polymorphism across crystalline batches through lattice phonon Raman microscopy

Clapham, M. L, Leighton, R. E., Douglas, C. J., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2021 

51. Femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy – guided screening leads to efficient singlet fission in rubrene derivatives

 Bera, K., Douglas, C. D., Frontiera, R. R. Chemical Science, 2021

50. Vibronic Coupling and Exciton Chirality: Electronic and Structural Rearrangement between Helical to Zero Momentum Molecular Exciton States

Rich, C. C., Frontiera, R. R.  The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021 

49. Decoding Chemical and Physical Processes Driving Plasmonic Photocatalysis Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopies

Warkentin, C. L., Yu, Z., Sarkar, A., Frontiera, R. R. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2021

48. Plasma-Driven Solution Electrolysis

Bruggeman, P., Frontiera, R. R., Kortshagen, U., Kushner, M., Linic, S., Schatz, G. C., Andaraarachchi, H., Exarhos, S., Jones, L., Mueller, C., Rich, C. C., Xu, C., Yue, Yuanfu, Zhang, Yi. Journal of Applied Physics, 2021

47. Quinine copolymer reporters promote efficient intracellular delivery and illuminate protein-induced DNA unpackaging mechanisms

Van Bruggen, C., Punihaole, D., Keith, A. R., Schmitz, A. J., Tolar, J., Frontiera, R. R., Reineke, T. M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 2020

46. Plasmon-mediated intramolecular methyl migration with nanoscale spatial control

Brooks, J. L., Chulhai, D. V., Goodpaster, J. D., Frontiera, R. R. ACS Nano, 2020

45. Advancements in singlet fission chromophore design enabled by vibrational spectroscopies

Bera, K.*, Kwang, S. Y.*, Frontiera, R. R., The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020

44. Coherent phonon catalysts: Lattice vibrations drive a photoinduced phase transition in a molecular crystal

Rich, C., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020 

43. Stimulated Raman imaging below the diffraction limit with a MHz laser

Graefe, C. T., Punihaole, D., Lynch, M. J., Silva, W. R., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2020

42. Femtosecond stimulated Raman spectro-microscopy for probing chemical reaction dynamics in solid-state materials

Cassabaum, A. A., Bera, K., Rich, C. C., Nebgen, B. R., Kwang, S. Y., Clapham, M. L., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020

41. Spatially Offset Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy: Observing Exciton Transport through a Vibrational Lens

Kwang, S. Y., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020

40. Plasmon-driven C-N bond cleavage across a series of viologen derivatives

Brooks, J. L., Chulhai, D. V., Yu, Z., Goodpaster, J. D., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019 

39. Probing the coupling of butterfly wing photonic crystals to plasmon resonances with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Palmer, L. D., Brooks, J. L., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2019 

38. Effective Background Removal in Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy Using a Dual Frequency Raman Pump Technique

Bera, K., Kwang, S. Y., Cassabaum, A. A., Rich, C. C., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2019

37. Far-Field Super-Resolution Vibrational Spectroscopy

Graefe, C. T., Punihaole, D., Harris, C. M., Lynch, M. J., Leighton, R., Frontiera, R. R.  Analytical Chemistry, 2019

36. Orientation and Polarization Dependence of Ground and Excited-State FSRS in Crystalline Betaine-30

Cassabaum, A. A., Silva, W. R., Rich, C. C., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019

35. Plasmon-Enhanced Chemical Sensing and Conversion using Copper Selenide Nanoparticles

Gan, X. Y., Keller, E. L., Warkentin, C. L., Crawford, S., Frontiera, R. R.,* Millstone, J. E.* Nano Letters, 2019 

34. Carborane RAFT Agents as Tunable and Functional Molecular Probes for Polymer Materials

Messina, M., Graefe, C. T., Chong, P., Ebrahim, O. M., Pathuri, R. S., Bernier, N. A., Mills, H. A., Rheingold, A. L., Frontiera, R. R., Maynard, H. D., Spokoyny, A. M.  Polymer Chemistry, 2019 

33. Effect of Silica Supports on Plasmonic Heating of Molecular Adsorbates as Measured by Ultrafast Surface-Enhanced Raman Thermometry

Keller, E. L., Kang, H., Haynes, C. L., Frontiera, R. R. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2018 

32. New insights into quinine-DNA binding using Raman spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations

Punihaole, D., Workman, R. J., Upadhay, S., Van Bruggen, C., Schmitz, A., Reineke, T. M., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2018  

31. Toward a mechanistic understanding of plasmon-mediated photocatalysis

Brooks, J. L., Warkentin, C. L., Saha, D., Frontiera, R. R. Nanophotonics, 2018

30. Ultrafast nanoscale thermometry proves heating is not a significant factor in plasmonic photocatalysis

Keller, E. L., Frontiera, R. R. ACS Nano,  2018 

29. Femtosecond stimulated Raman evidence for charge-transfer character in pentacene singlet fission

Hart, S. M., Silva, W. R., Frontiera, R. R. Chemical Science, 2018

28. Femtosecond Raman microscopy reveals structural dynamics leading to triplet separation in rubrene singlet fission

Bera, K., Douglas, C. J., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017 

27. Monitoring charge density delocalization upon plasmon excitation with ultrafast surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Keller, E. L., Frontiera, R. R. ACS Photonics, 2017

26. Stimulated Raman Scattering: from bulk to nano

Prince, R. C., Frontiera, R. R., Potma, E. O. Chemical Reviews, 2017

25. Redox Non-innocent Behavior of a Terminal Iridium Hydrazido2-

Pearce, A. J., Cassabaum, A. A., Frontiera, R. R., Tonks, I. A. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016

24. Ultrafast surface-enhanced Raman probing of the role of hot electrons in plasmon-driven chemistry

Brandt, N. C., Keller, E. L., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2016

23. Competition between Reaction and Degradation Pathways in Plasmon-Driven Photochemistry

Brooks, J. L., Frontiera, R. R. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016

22. Ultrafast and nonlinear surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Gruenke, N. L., Cardinal, M. F., McAnally, M. O., Frontiera, R. R., Schatz, G. C., Van Duyne, R. P. Chemical Physics Reviews, 2016

21. Excited state structural evolution during charge-transfer reactions in Betaine-30

Silva, W. R., Frontiera, R. R. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016 

20. Towards Label-Free Super-Resolution Microscopy

Silva, W. R., Graefe, C. T., Frontiera, R. R. ACS Photonics, 2016

19. Ultrafast Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Keller, E. L., Brandt, N. C., Cassabaum, A. A., Frontiera, R. R. Analyst, 2015

18. Determination of resonance Raman cross sections for use in biological SERS sensing with femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy

Silva, W. R., Keller, E. L., Frontiera, R. R. Analytical Chemistry, 2014

17. High performance SERS substrates: Advances and challenges

Sharma, B., Cardinal, M. F., Kleinman, S. L., Greeneltch, N. G., Frontiera, R. R., Blaber, M. G., Schatz, G. C., Van Duyne, R. P. MRS Bulletin, 2013

16. Creating, characterizing, and controlling chemistry with SERS hot spots

Kleinman, S., Frontiera, R. R., Henry, A.-I Dieringer, J. A., Van Duyne, R. P., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013

15. Fano-like resonances arising from long-lived molecule-plasmon interactions in colloidal nanoantennas

Frontiera, R. R., Gruenke, N. L., and Van Duyne, R. P., Nano Letters, 2012

14. SERS: Materials, applications, and the future

Sharma, B., Frontiera, R. R., Henry, A.-I., Ringe, E., Van Duyne, R. P., Materials Today, 2012

13. Decoding Chemical Reactivity by Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy

Dasgupta, J., Frontiera, R. R., Fang, C., and Mathies, R. A., Encyclopedia of Biophysics, 2012 

12. Probing structural evolution along multiple degrees of freedom with femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy

Frontiera, R. R., Fang, C., Dasgupta, J., and Mathies, R. A., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012

11. Surface Enhanced-Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy

Frontiera, R. R., Henry, A.-I., Gruenke, N. L., and Van Duyne, R. P., The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2011


10. Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy

Frontiera, R. R., and Mathies, R. A., Laser and Photonics Reviews, 2011

9. Probing Interfacial Electron Transfer in Coumarin 343 Sensitized TiO2 Nanoparticles with Femtosecond Stimulated Raman

Frontiera, R. R., Dasgupta, J., and Mathies, R. A., Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009

8. Mapping GFP structure evolution during proton transfer with femtosecond Raman spectroscopy

Fang, C., Frontiera, R. R., Tran, R., and Mathies, R. A., Nature, 2009

7. Ultrafast Excited State Isomerization in Phytochrome Revealed by Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy

Dasgupta, J., Frontiera, R. R., Taylor, K., Lagarias, J. C., and Mathies, R. A., Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2009 

6. Origin of Negative and Dispersive Features in Resonance Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy

Frontiera, R. R., Shim, S., Mathies, R. A., Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 2009.

5. Origin of Negative and Dispersive Features in Anti-Stokes and Resonance Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy

Frontiera, R. R., Shim, S., Mathies, R. A., Journal of Chemical Physics, 2008

4. Excited-State Structure and Dynamics of cis- and trans-Azobenzene from Resonance Raman Intensity Analysis

Stuart, C. M., Frontiera, R. R., and Mathies, R.A., Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2007

3. Polarization dependence of vibrational coupling signals in femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy

Frontiera, R. R., Mathies, R. A., Journal of Chemical Physics, 2007

2. Direct observation of anharmonic coupling in the time domain with femtosecond stimulated Raman scattering

Kukura, P., Frontiera, R., Mathies, R. A., Physical Review Letters, 2006

1. Atmospheric mercury speciation in Yellowstone National Park

Hall, B. D., Olson, M. L., Rutter A. P., Frontiera, R. R., Krabbenhoft, D. P., Gross, D. S., Yuen, M., Rudolph, T. M., Schauer, J. J., Science of the Total Environment, 2006